Public spaces, parks and gardens and why not even uncultivated or abandoned fields ... making them flourish with seed bombs is the greenest and most fun activity we can do right now!

Being outdoors in the middle of nature is the best way to contribute to physical and mental health in this time of restrictions, spring has arrived and the first sun helps us to feel better! Making seed bombs is the perfect activity this time of year and gets even more so fun and engaging if done with childrenme with the people you love! It will be really fun to get your hands dirty, knead, run throwing balls and then wait to see what will be born.

Where are seed bombs born?

The term was already coined in New York in the 1970s “Green Guerrilla”By some groups of environmentalists who threw seed bombs in the city to fight against the neglect of green areas. In Japan, however, it was Masanobu Fukuoka to spread the "seed bombs" as a tool of his "Agriculture of not doing" on which he wrote a book.

But how are they done?

There is no need to be a professional gardener or plant expert, “seed bombs” can be done prepare at home and then they are thrown in every green corner that you would like to enliven with colorful flowers!

Here are the few simple steps, you only 3 elements are needed:

  • Clay
  • Some rich soil
  • A mixture of seeds, choose flowers that grow well in your territory

Well now you can mix the ingredients with a little water following these proportions: 2/3 of clay, 1/3 of soil and the mix of seeds. Add water until you get a thick dough so as to be able to form small balls. The humidity of the mix varies according to the type of soil and clay. If it is too wet add soil, if it is too dry add water. Leave then dry the balls for a few days, you can use a tray or egg containers.


Dry quickly if the balls remain moist for a long time, they risk sprouting too soon.

Know where you will throw them because if it is completely sheltered from light or rain they will never bloom. Also avoid places where you regularly mow the grass.

If you drop the bombs instead on earth or gravel, the rain will melt the ball e the seeds will sprout.

Choose for your seed bombs lively and perennial flowers that last a long time and require little care, a good choice can be the honey plants which attract pollinators and contribute to biodiversity. Poppy and sunflower seeds will do just fine but also pumpkin seeds, four-leaf clover, lemon balm, basil and chives, calendula, asters, snapdragons. If you have stored some fruit seeds it will be great!

What are the honey plants?

Melliferous comes from the Latin words mel (honey) e fer (bearing) and united they create the word melliferus which literally means "honey production". Hence, a melliferous flower is a plant that produces that nectar it can be collected by insects and made into honey.

When will they bloom?

Go back to where you bombed after at least 6-8 weeks to see what you find!

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