It's always nice to receive plants, especially in the winter time when you spend little time outdoors and there nature is missing a bit around us.

So yes, why not give a plant as a gift for an event, a dinner or for Christmas?

At this point a doubt arises, Can the plant be harmful to our animal friends? In supermarkets we find the brand more and more often Pet Friendly on some plants which helps us distinguish the plants that are certainly suitable for our friends at home, others instead they have no trace of information, an example we cannot forget is the classic Poinsettia (which unfortunately is only massively sold only for the Christmas holidays) which is perhaps the first plant that comes to mind when we think of the Christmas holidays.

Here she is Christmas Star better call Euphorbia pulcherrima and also note how Poinsettia does not have the Pet-friendly seal.

Sadly indeed it is poisonous, stinging and can even generate, if ingested, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Contains triterpenoids within its milky secretion. This substance is used precisely by the plant to defend himself against attacks by animals he lives with in Mexico.

Don't worry, in any case, even if the Poinsettia is not poisonous, in the worst case (due to the size that a purchased seedling can cause) it will be a question of feeling a stomach ache or a little discomfort to the skin, we are on the classic if you decide to choose it as a gift.

If we want to opt for an absolutely non-toxic plant as a gift, then from this list there are several plants that are perfectly suitable for our indoor environments and obviously Pet-Friendly:

Chlorophytum or Phalanx


Beucarnea or Mangiafumo


Boston fern

• Chamadorea





So our animal friends, certainly curious to discover the new plant, will be able to play with it and taste it without consequences, because like us, they too miss the open spaces spent during the beautiful and warm days and the plant will be even more of a call in these colder months. dark.

Another step to better integrate plants into our spaces with us!

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  1. liza

    Thank you for providing such an insightful and well-researched blog post. Your expertise on the subject matter was evident, and I appreciated the practical examples you shared. To explore further, click here.

  2. liza

    Thank you for providing such an insightful and well-researched blog post. Your expertise on the subject matter was evident, and I appreciated the practical examples you shared. To explore further, click here.

  3. liza

    Thank you for providing such an insightful and well-researched blog post. Your expertise on the subject matter was evident, and I appreciated the practical examples you shared. To explore further, click here.

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