Liquid fertilizer for aquariums with iron trace elements
Reference: 4014162014238
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Liquid fertilizer for aquariums with iron trace elements
SILVANO the window...
Silvano version 2020, no-drill window box holder, the only one patented windowbox planter holder easy and safe to place outside the windowsill. It is adjustable in two different heights, low if used for windows openings towards the outside, flat for those who can have plants at windowsill height.
Does not obstruct the opening of blackout blinds or windows.
Color: White and Anthracite
Cylinder saucer
Modern design product for interiors, gardens or terraces. Robust and suitable for all weather conditions.
Fundamental supply for a vital growth of plants-Contains minerals and iron assimilable from plants.For an intense red and green color of the leaves
The aquarium plants need JBL Ferropol because it contains all the essential minerals and also iron in a form that can be assimilated by the plants.this ensures the essential supply for their luxuriant and healthy growth.Only healthy plants can guarantee good water quality.